How to Maintain Surfaces Painted with Linseed Oil Paint ?

Wood surfaces painted with Allbäck linseed oil paints require minimal maintenance—they provide sustainable protection against moisture and mold.

Over time, after many years, linseed oil-painted surfaces may develop a slightly “chalky” texture. This is a natural process resulting from linseed oil oxidation. If the pigment in the existing paint layer is still well-preserved, we recommend refreshing the finish with Allbäck boiled linseed oil, which will restore the original sheen of the paint and provide additional protection.

Surface before and after boiled linseed oil application

Here’s a brief video tutorial on how to refresh the surface with boiled linseed oil:

One of the major advantages of linseed oil paint is that the surface does not need to be stripped of the existing paint layer if you want to repaint it in a different shade over time, significantly saving both time and money.

Surfaces painted with Allbäck linseed oil paints should not be cleaned with chemical cleaners that have a high pH level, as this may cause “yellowing” of the paint. We recommend cleaning with water and linseed soap, available in our store.

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